A year seems like a long time, but it really isn't. The years seem to be getting shorter as I get older. It is crazy to think that it was already over a year ago that I started this application process and was selected to be the next Global Grant Scholar! Plus my birthday is already sneaking up again! Yikes.
Time flies! Which means that I need to make the most of this golden year ahead of me. Everyday counts. I'm anxious for school to start and to begin conducting research for my thesis. However, the professors are currently
on strike, so next week I likely won't have classes. Rumor is: the strike will be resolved by the following week.
I've been trying to be productive since I don't have class. For example:
1.) I got my ID card.
Officially a grad student |
2.) I attended my first Rotary meeting with Accra East on Thursday at the beautiful African Regent Hotel. I was introduced to the club but in a few weeks I will be presenting on my scholarship.
Hotel Bar |
Poolside where they have live African music! |
3.) I discovered Kelewele!! (Pronounced Killi Willi.) This is my new favorite snack.
- Although it looks like burnt fingers, it is delicious! Plantains spiced with ginger, chilies, and garlic. Mmmm :) They are best from the markets, this is made in a restaurant and it's nowhere near as good.
4.) I found the best hangout on campus after I found out I had another day of NO CLASS!
Awesome chair with a great breeze but where I get even better wifi! |
yum finger food